Go to our Blog Page to read about the HypnoBirthing® experience of Jessica Alba and other celebrity moms. |
What you will learn in HypnoBirthing® classesHypnoBirthing® classes will empower you with the techniques to achieve a gentle, calm birth, in addition to covering the same material as traditional prenatal classes do, but with a non-fear based approach. HypnoBirthing® prenatal classes are suitable to all parents, whether you are planning to have a midwife or a doctor, a home or a hospital birth, a VBAC or a Cesarean birth. While the Birth Companion of choice does not need to be the biological father, the Birth Companion has a key role to play in the HypnoBirthing® program.
You will be fascinated as you view HypnoBirthing® films, showing labouring mothers, awake, alert and in good humor as they experience the kind of gentle birth that you, too, can know when you are free of the fear that causes pain and tension. Through self-hypnosis, special breathing, and visualization, HypnoBirthing® teaches you to release all prior programming about birth, how to trust your body and work with it, as well as how to free yourself of harmful emotions that lead to pain-causing fear and unyielding muscles.